Our Process

  • Design
  • Recommend
  • Implement
  • Commit
  • Initial
  • Discovery

At WWS Financial LLC, the client is always at the center of the planning process. Each phase, each decision, each dream belongs to you. We work with you and your advisors to ensure a clear understanding of your objectives and implement a strong, integrated financial strategy.

First Step: Initial Meeting

Initial Meeting

We want to get to know you and your vision of prosperity. WWS takes this opportunity to forge a connection that will allow us to serve your interests.

Next Step: Discovery


We will review the data you provide via worksheets, and develop a clear analysis and projection of your personal and/or professional financial condition.

Step 1: Initial MeetingNext Step: Design


With your vision in mind, we collaborate with your circle of advisors to create a customized plan that includes retirement income, potential tax mitigation, and diversification strategies, all in support of your prolonged prosperity..

Step 2: DiscoveryNext Step: Recommend


We will sit down with you and give you a glimpse into your future. Then, we’ll outline the necessary steps to achieve your objectives and reduce risks.

Step 3: DesignNext Step: Implement


Based on your elections, we will build the infrastructure for your future, and you can start to enjoy the peace that planning brings.

Step 4: RecommendNext Step: Commit


Mutual commitment to your future will drive our relationship for years to come. Through life events and major decisions, we want to be a trusted ally. We regularly monitor the health of your accounts and make adjustments as needed.

Step 5: ImplementBack to Step 1: Initial Meeting